Shanghai International Fisheries and Seafood Exhibition
28- 30 August 2024
China, Shanghai
Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC)

World Seafood Shanghai is the industry's leading global aquatic product trade event.
WSS always follows the national strategic deployment and the development of the domestic aquatic products and catering market, with a professional and efficient business platform and high-quality supporting services, work together with colleagues in the industry to compose a new chapter in the innovation and development of the aquatic industry.
180 000
106 635
Statistics of 2023
Thematic sections:

  • frozen seafood
  • ice-fresh seafood
  • live seafood
  • dried seafood
Processed aquatic products:

  • prepared foods
  • seasoned seafood
  • surimi products
  • canned food
  • prefabricate food
  • roe, instant and snack foods
Seafoods high-end catering products:

  • High-end dining supplements (bird's nest, abalone, sea cucumber, buddha jumping over the wall)
  • Caviar
  • Japanese Sushi products
  • aquatic appetizers

  • processing and packaging equipment
  • weighing and inspection equipment
  • freezing and cold storage facilities
  • cold chain storage and transportation
Smart fishery:

  • modern fish farming technology and equipment
  • artificial intelligence
  • information construction and operation services
  • aquatic feed and seedlings
  • fish medicine and water quality
Pelagic fishery

  • marine fishing tools and technology
Results of the survey of exhibitors
93,3% - recognized the importance of the exhibition for their business
91,5% - rated the business program from good to excellent
89,1% - are ready to participate in the exhibition next year
Information about visitors:
Structure of visitors by position
36,26% - Procurement Department
32,15% - Decision maker
21,37% - Sales/Marketing Department
6,37% - Technical Department
2,85% - Others
Structure of visitors by field of activity
28,59% - Trading / Distribution
25,68% - Manufacturers / Processors
19,94% - Seafood Supplier Networks / Supermarkets / Catering Companies
9,52% - E-commerce / investment
4,28% - Processing, packaging, canning technology and equipment
3,5% - Frozen food logistics
2,71% - Government Department / Associations
2,71% - Chamber of Commerce and Industry / Professional media
1,08% - Aquaculture technologies and equipment
1,54% - Other
Geography of visitors
47,1% - Asia
17,6% - Europe
9,4% - South America
8,1% - North America
7,1% - Africa
3,5% - Oceania
Results of the visitor survey
According to the goals of visitors:

44.82% - Purchase / order of goods
17.15% - Access to industry information
15.19% - Maintenance of existing suppliers
12.24% - Looking for new suppliers
7.02% - Search for new products and services
2.59% - Other

96.5% - rated the quality of the exhibitors from good to excellent
91.5% - recommend the event to their friends and colleagues
90.3% - rated the effectiveness of the visit from good to excellent

Organizer of the exhibition:
Shanghai ITE Gehua Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. is a joint venture company of ITE group, which is headquartered in London, UK. Shanghai ITE Gehua adheres to an international business philosophy and produces high quality trade shows in the food, seafood, automotive, air conditioning and refrigeration technology industries. Shanghai ITE Gehua is dedicated to providing excellent services to their clients, and the company is widely supported by the government and the industry.
Official support
Market Analytics
Traveler's Memo
Feedback from participants
Reg Tang - Chairman
"World Seafood Shanghai - самая важная выставка морепродуктов в Восточном Китае. Gfresh в четвертый раз посещает World Seafood Shanghai. Каждый раз мы получаем множество плюсов. Даже в год эпидемии я видел много старых друзей. Бренд Gfresh хорошо зарекомендовал себя среди наших клиентов и партнеров из сферы морепродуктов. С точки зрения отрасли, этот год выдался очень трудным. Однако общее количество посетителей и экспонентов в World Seafood Shanghai по-прежнему очень велико. Я чувствую, что промышленность постепенно восстанавливается."
Donggang Jindu Food Co.,Ltd.
Lin Peng - Sales Area Manager
"Компания Jindu впервые приняла участие в выставке World Seafood Shanghai, и больше всего нас впечатлил уровень организации. Организаторы выставки хорошо подготовились к условиям нынешней эпидемической обстановке. Выставка прошла успешно, мы продолжим в ней участвовать. Приезжайте в Шанхай для участия в выставке."
Shanghai Daling Food Co.,Ltd.
Wang Dong - General Manager
"В 2020 году наша компания, включая всю отрасль морепродуктов, пережила очень трудное время, и я хотел бы поблагодарить организаторов за то, что подарили нам возможность участия в этой прекрасной выставке."
Norwegian Seafood Council
Ms. Victoria Braathen - Director of Chinese mainland and HK
"Норвежский совет по морепродуктам посещает эту выставку уже несколько лет. 2020 год был особенным и поэтому очень важно вернуться, объединиться и исследовать новый рынок. Мы очень рады быть здесь, на World Seafood Shanghai 2020. В этом году выставка хорошо организована. Мы с нетерпением ждем возможности принять участие в следующей World Seafood Shanghai."
Contact number:
Office address:
+7 (936) 191-33-13
Mon - Fri from 10:00 to 19:00
111524, Moscow, Electrodnaya st.,
building 2, building 34.
Legal address:
Elephants LLC 2015-2024 © All rights reserved.
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