Malaysia International Halal Showcase
12 - 15 SEPTEMBER 2023

International exhibition of halal products and services
MIHAS is the number one business platform in the halal industry. The 19th MIHAS Exhibition is a 4-day trade show held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, simultaneously with the virtual MIHAS platform.
Statistics of 2022
45 000
32 356
Thematic sections:
  • Agricultural products
  • Halal food and beverages
  • Food Ingredients
  • Cosmetics and personal hygiene products
  • Pharmaceuticals and medicines
  • Fashion and lifestyle
  • Islamic Arts and Crafts
  • Islamic Finance and Fintech
  • Banking and takaful
  • Logistics of halal products
  • Franchising
  • Food technology and packaging
  • Education

Exhibitor data

Fields of activity:

61% - food and beverages
19% - related services
6% - cosmetics and personal care products
3% - mass media
3% - Islamic financial System
2% - pharmaceuticals
2% - food production technology
2% - conservative fashion
1% - education
0.5% - islamic art and folk craft
0.3% - e-commerce
0.2% - travel for Muslims

Exhibitor geography

Argentina, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Laos, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, Great Britain, USA, Venesuela, Vietnam.

About visitors

Structure of visitors by field of activity

  • business representatives
  • government organizations
  • religious and consumer organizations
  • manufacturers, distributors, retailers, importers, exporters
  • halal certification bodies

Geography of visitors

16 countries – Africa (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Ghana, Libya, South Africa, Somalia, Madagascar, Mauritius, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe)

15 countries – Europe (Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Switzerland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

14 countries – Southwest Asia (Middle East) (Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, Oman, Syria, Palestine, Iran)

9 countries – Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, East Timor, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia)

8 countries – South Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka)

6 countries – Central Asia and the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan)

6 countries – East Asia (Taiwan, Japan, China (Hong Kong, Macau), South Korea)

5 countries – South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Anguilla)

5 countries – Australia and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, American Samoa, Christmas Island)

4 countries – North America (USA, Canada, Mexico, Sint Eustatius)

Organiser of the exhibition:

The Malaysia Foreign Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) develops and promotes Malaysia's exports worldwide and is represented in 46 locations around the world. In Malaysia, MATRADE has five local branches in Penang, Terengganu, Johor, Sabah and Sarawak. MATRADE provides support for international trade exhibitions and conferences held in Malaysia.

Official Support

Ministry Of Investment, Trade And Industry (MITI)
Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC)
Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM)
Market Analytics

Traveler's memo

Contact number:
Office address:
+7 (936) 191-33-13
Mon - Fri from 10:00 to 19:00
111524, Moscow, Electrodnaya st.,
building 2, building 34.
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Elephants LLC 2015-2024 © All rights reserved.
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